Uno, My Tolltaker Boyfriend 
Thursday, December 15, 2005, 02:20 PM - Travels
For the second night in a row I was on my way back across the Bay Bridge, and by chance ended up again at Uno's toll booth (yesterday, #15). He had already offered to marry me the night before, which made for a much more pleasant bridge experience than usual. Last night he was all prepared with his phone number and he paid my toll himself. Such gallantry! Although I don't see a lot of future in our relationship, it's tragic to think about EZPass forestalling toll booth romance for a whole generation.
Side note: it made me so happy that when I looked for a toll plaza picture, the best one was from the Groove site....

Last Minute Mexico 
Thursday, November 24, 2005, 01:46 PM - Travels
On Monday I decided to indulge my more impulsive side; on Tuesday afternoon I was arriving at Puerto Vallarta, accepting a ride from a charming expat, and walking the beach in Sayulita for all of 20 minutes until I found Alice and crew. It's very fun to be the surprise guest at a Mexican birthday extravaganza. And I do appreciate the flexibility my life affords...and a good fish taco.
