Google submission oracular powers 
Monday, November 7, 2005, 01:43 PM - Dancing, Technology
So it has to be a good sign that the auto-generated word that came up when I submitted this little project to google was "ravers", right? Oh, if I had only taken a screen shot. I guess it's possible they've gotten much farther ahead than I would have imagined with profiling my innermost characteristics....

Susie Helfrey's wedding mosh pit 
Monday, November 7, 2005, 01:28 PM - Dancing, Friends
Made me very very happy. Who would have thought those Stanford GSB folks had it in them?? Susie, apparently, is a punk rocker now.

Monday, November 7, 2005, 12:57 PM - Dancing
Yesterday went to see Bill Shannon perform at Headlands. Truly amazing to see someone developing a new dance lexicon based on creative adaptations of disability, with heavy influence of street dance/ skate culture...
Tragic and wonderful that the form is so specific to his particular flavor of physical problem- inspriring that he's created something so innovative and connected to contemporary american vernacular dance. Nothing better to play with one's internal prejudices about disability when you realize that the crippled guy is hot. (Wonder whatever happened to Melissa's brother??)
Bill Shannon More Bill Shannon
