bad form 
Tuesday, November 1, 2005, 01:40 AM - Sex
Perhaps I should just add an email breakup form right here? Would that be more convenient for you, dear reader - at least a dropdown menu with "dumping you" as a choice?? I admit it, I think it's bad form to dump someone you've had sex with over email. I mean, it's not like I'm your girlfriend, I'm not going to scream at you or throw shit or anything, at least pick up the fucking phone. Of course it's far easier to displace my hurt feelings onto the form, rather than acknowledge the unpleasantness of the content, but I do think that these things make a difference. And please don't pretend that you'd like to be friends with me if you can't even get it up for a phone call.

Japanese Fashion Zombie Eros Thanatos 
Monday, October 31, 2005, 01:02 AM - Sex
Really the last thing that I thought would happen with this year's costume was that I would get any play. Despite my gleefully ghoulish self-presentation, I got lots of attention - the highlight being sweet sparkly glitter indian Manual licking the fake blood off of my bottom lip. It was fun to listen to Andrew glance over at me and say 'you look great' and then watch him try to qualify that with 'I mean you look horrible. But really good.' I never really imagined that sex and death would be so blatantly intertwined with just a little pallor and some extra eyeliner...but it makes all the waif models and heroin chic infinitely more understandable. Kind of disturbing that so many people are into dead chicks, but fascinating to think about working the undead angle to sexual advantage. Zombies unite?
