NetSquared Conference 
Wednesday, May 24, 2006, 11:04 AM - Politics, Technology is going to the NetSquared conference next week in San Jose. Joan will be speaking at the plenary ("Grassroots, Netroots, and the Beginning and End of Politics") on Wednesday morning with Amy Goodman and Michael Turk on how her work with MoveOn and MomsRising has changed the way we think about and participate in politics. I'm on a panel Tuesday afternoon lead by Lisa Stone (from ) about gender and social networking - not that I'm an expert, but I'd love to get feedback from the conference attendees on how MomsRising can make the best use of social networking tools, as well as what enhancements we could develop that would benefit the open source online organizing community.

First Peach 
Tuesday, May 23, 2006, 02:01 PM - Food
This morning I ate my first real peach of the season. It was the best kind of early season peach - juicy, tart, sweet, full of promise for the rest of the summer. One of the farmer's market guys told me Sunday that the stone fruit yield will be small this year, but the quality should be great. Based on today's peach, I can't complain. It made me ridiculously happy.

HPV vaccine! 
Sunday, May 21, 2006, 07:58 PM - Sex, Politics
As some of you know, my former boss Barbara Moscicki is one of the leading HPV researchers in the world (her work with Connect to Protect was just her little side project). I'm thrilled that an HPV vaccine could be approved very soon, sparing future generations of women from much of the risk of cervical cancer. I'm worried, of course, that the FDA will ignore science in favor of right-wing fundamentalist politics and delay or deny the application, as they did when they overruled their own experts on the morning-after pill/ Plan B. It will be interesting to see if any states mandate the vaccination, as they have for several diseases that it's much harder and less likely that schoolchildren will catch than HPV. (Yes, parents can always ask for a vaccine waiver on religious or other grounds.) I do dream of a day when Americans realize that hormones and human nature prompt teens to have sex, not contraception and sex education, and certainly not a shot you'd get at 10 that could save your life at 50.

Style OR Justice? 
Sunday, May 21, 2006, 07:44 PM - Politics
Julie Su was the keynote at the LAANE women's event described below. She's been a leader in the anti-sweatshop and immigrant rights movements, and about current struggles of immigrant garment workers. I think she set up a false dichotomy in her presentation, implying that we have to choose between style and justice - but it was interesting to think of the crowd of lovely luncheon ladies conducting silent inventories of their wardrobe choices. (There is loads of privilige inherent in the following statement, but I don't think that invalidates the principles behind it.) I buy organic food because I don't want pesticides in the soil (not so much because I'm worried they'll give me cancer); I buy locally designed and produced clothes to support independent businesswomen and fair labor practices. (I felt moderately righteous in my pretty Dema top, but must admit that I can't vouch for the pedigree of the Katyone Adeli pants. Lord knows that super cute D&G lavender jacket was probably swimming in sweat (I just checked, it's made in Italy, so probably not as bad as it could be?) Is it more socially acceptable if things are bought far below retail price? Just like bottled water, it seems environmentally unsustainable to fly a jacket halfway around the world, no matter how smart. I'm sure this is somewhat frivolous, but I want to stake a small claim for fashion and style as fun and something that can exist outside of a corporate, exploitative entity. Spending money with locally-owned, less-exploitative business recyles community resources and allows for great pleasures. (Of course there is a long debate about how localization now would reinforce the current eonomic north/south stratification, but you'd be hard-pressed to convince me that the Wal-Martization of the world is an unequivocally good thing).
I'm interested in what a friend of the Republican is doing on making visible the true nature of production costs - just a taste at
I'm going to try for style AND justice, whever possible.

Women for a New Los Angeles 
Friday, May 19, 2006, 08:38 PM - Politics, Books
Today (at the lovely Amy Wakeland's invitation) I attended the Women for a New Los Angeles/ Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy luncheon. It was such a great surprise to open up the latest issue of their newsletter and find a full-page spread on MomsRising! Plus Barbara Ehrenreich gave a great powerful acceptance speech for her award, and she seems interested in the MomsRising project. Last night I went to see David Sirota in a sea of westside liberals and got stuck in a funny conversation between Wendy and Tom Hayden... the old guard LA progressives are an interesting bunch, to say the least. David is touring to support his new book, Hostile Takeover. I think the most useful point from his talk is that us lefties need to stop being afraid of sounding angry - there's definitely a lesson for MomsRising in there somewhere...maybe a way to get women to vent and share their frustrations and obstacles in balancing work and family... and generate ideas for non-legislative focused action.

Cutest and Dumbest 
Tuesday, May 16, 2006, 10:00 PM - Food
On Sunday morning on my run in Griffith Park I saw an unbearably cute baby bunny. I can't believe the natural wonderland that's just outside my door. I hope the coyotes don't get it. And dumbest? That would be the Sunburned Hand of the Man show we went to at Spaceland that night. It was so bad, it was perversely enjoyable. Or maybe it's me for still listening to Flavorpill? Thankfully we had had a delicious birthday dinner for Louise at Blair's, so we were too content to mind very much.

Planet of Slums 
Sunday, May 14, 2006, 10:32 PM - Politics

I caught the last half of Mike Davis' talk at UCSD last week (was there interviewing sweet young things for GCI recruitment). He was talking about his new book Planet of Slums, which treats the astonishing urbanization of the poor and its potential social and economic impacts. As someone who's spent small amounts of time in the slums of Central and South America, many of his points ring true - especially about the dire consequences of long-term warehouseing/ complete disenfranchisement of the extremely poor on the periphery of urban settings. he paints a dickensian picture of the future of most cities - kind of like what's already happened in Sao Paolo - the rich fly around in helicopters to avoid the urban chaos. He was hopeful that the poor (as has happened recently in Bolivia) can transcend their marginalized existence through protest and shut down commerce (as they shut down the airport and traffic in La Paz) - but I'm not convinced that the economies of the midsized cities where most the fastest-growing slums are concentrated matter much in the greater economic sphere. Does the west care if Lagos shuts down for a week? Florianopolis? A small city in India? Coordination through low-cost technology (texting) has allowed for effective protest among some poorer communities (in the Phillipines) but even a cell phone is far out of reach for the kind of slum-dwellers he considers in this book. And I'm not convinced that the Paris riots (while garnering much attention) did much to change the opportunities for Arab French youth- I worry that they'll be even less able now to integrate into European culture. The last thing we need is more disaffected teenage boys with no prospects and too much time on their hands...
Anyway if you want more there's a very detailed review here.

Net Tuesday LA Report-back - Immigrant Rights and Technology 
Thursday, May 11, 2006, 02:35 AM - Politics, Technology

I'm happy to report that our first LA Net Tuesday was a success - we had an interesting diversity of attendees and a presentation from on their live streaming video of the May 1 immigrant rights demonstrations. People who came were a mix of nonprofit folks (California Association of Nonprofits, Asian Pacific American Legal Center), freelance programmers and technologists, people working in the for-profit technology sector interested in social change (Yahoo, NetworkLive) and politics (LA Councilmember Garcetti's Communications Director). We were a small enough group to have an interesting discussion about the role of technology in the organization, documenting, and analysis of the May 1 demonstrations - as well as our responsibilities as technologists to be aware of and try to minimize the digital divide. We had fun discussing the role that had in organizing student protests, brainstorming tools we need to better filter information to support progressive debate, and thinking about how linguistic differences limit the adaptation of progressive technology solutions for immigrant communities. We talked a little about topic ideas for another session, and people seemed interested in coming up with a project or goal for the group (maybe helping to do communications training for students organizing on immigrant rights issues?). Come to the next event and find out more - we may move out to the west side for our next meeting...

A small aside 
Thursday, May 11, 2006, 02:13 AM - Politics
I've been thinking about this all week, since I read one of the editorials in the Sunday Times about Democrats' chances this fall and their struggles to build a coherent message. Sadly I haven't had time to come up with my own coherent message, but if I don't write about this today it will evaporate from my little brain. Why, on earth, do the Democrats not understand that emphasizing the dangers/ risks of the current economic situation will NEVER WORK. People do not want to believe they're on the bring of disaster or bankruptcy - even when they are. Scare tactics and doomsaying are the wrong strategy - we need to find ways to point out the inconsistencies in our current economic reality while emphasizing progress and positive solutions. (Don't get me wrong - what's unsustainable is endless - growing inequality in the middle of abundance, constant credit-fueled consumption of foreign-made goods while domestic producers wither, massive agricultural subsidies for crops nobody needs; I could go on - but it's not what we should be foregrounding). We need to come up with a message that's consistent across domains - one that stresses opportunity, advancement, and personal and community standards, while demanding accountability from corporations, rational tax policy, reasonable regulation, and realistic and fair rewards. We have to develop a conversation about what's feasible and hopeful in our economic lives, not constantly harp on what's wrong.

Goats Gone Wild 
Monday, May 8, 2006, 02:17 AM - Food
I spent the weekend in SF (lovely visits with Aurora, Alice, Adam, Augi and Angela and several friends whose names don't start with A). I have been homesick for all the good local Marin/ Sonoma county cheese (is it too dry for milk farming down here?) and got my fix at the farmer's market. Although I was sad to hear that there won't be any more Capricious for at least two months, it demonstrated the Bay Area's preciousness (in the best sense) when the Achadinha cheese company proprietress described the problems of the (2) goats in question. (Not enough milk for a while, hence a gap in production and the current batch is aging.) It really takes the local food ideology to a whole new level when you don't just know your local cheesemaker, but you get the skinny on the goats' inner lives...I'm sure my greek ancestors are glad I'm only one degree removed from goatherding.

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