V-Day Roundup 
Thursday, February 16, 2006, 12:14 PM - Dancing, Friends, Food, Technology
one new alternator belt
three boundlessly enthusiastic dream job emails
one long relationship rant
two dozen roses (four confused neighbors)
two chive dumplings
one hour of pure samba bliss

I can't complain, really.

Fortunate Canapés 
Monday, February 6, 2006, 02:08 PM - Friends, Food
Yesterday was a high point in the annals of competitive eating. Delicious breakfast with Meredith at Slow Club to coach her on her job interview today at Larkin Street (they'd better hire her...her background of teaching GED in the SF County Jail will serve her well with the hustlers and gutter punks). Then Eitan's birthday party (7) with the new baby brigade- thankfully with minimal birthday cake consumption - I wanted to make sure the under-10s had enough material for a mammoth sugar rush. Things really got interesting once the game started - thankfully I went running during quarters 1 and 2, since Quarter 3 was spent at Binko's house of midwest ironworker 'file cabinet' chile, and Quarter 4 at the Paleokrassis palace of spanakopita. Sounds excessive, right? What if I tell you that then I went to Gary Danko with Lizbet and her charming father from North Carolina? I can't imagine wanting to see any more food for at least a week.

Home Cooking 
Wednesday, January 18, 2006, 04:57 PM - Food
It's been a good week for home cooking. Sadly the moussaka portrait I took last night with my new birthday toy was too dark, but you'll have to trust me that it was delicious. I was the lucky first dinner guest at my little league-era friend Augi's new apartment downtown, and she and Nick went old country with a wonderful Greek dinner (and lecture on 20th-century Hellenic history for dessert). Monday night I was treated to Phoebe Weaver's red blood cell-restoring oxtail stew, which I very much appreciated. I'm a lucky lucky girl.

MoveOn's Mama 
Saturday, January 7, 2006, 03:30 AM - Politics, Food
So today I had a lunch meeting with Megan (the brain behind The MMOB and my favorite co-conspirator on Leave My Child Alone), and she brought along Joan Blades! It was great to meet her- she's just the combination of grounded strategist and slightly ethereal presence you'd expect from someone who's changed organizing forever- through technology. She's starting a new, very large-scale project centered on women's issues...I hope I'll have the opportunity to contribute to it. (And in addition, I got to snack on those onigiri from the Japanese deli that take me right back to department store basement food heaven in Tokyo). Really an unexpectedly superlative lunchtime, all things considered.

Thursday, November 3, 2005, 01:05 PM - Food, Art
No, not the dead one. Last night failing (once again) to gain entry to the hallowed halls of A16 after Hannah's opening , we convinced the hostess at Mamacita (new, on Chestnut) that we were so friendly we should get in on their soft opening 'friends and family' dinner. Having a dissolute handsome Marina boy explain to me how authentic their dishes were was really entertaining, but things were quite delicious. Best were the vaguely Thai chilaquiles, the mahi mahi ceviche ceviche, the pomegranate margaritas, and of course it's hard to go wrong with carnitas tacos.
Hannah Henry still and moving pictures

east coast superiority 
Monday, October 31, 2005, 11:09 AM - Food
is a rare thing, especially in any food-related matters. The towering exception for me is the apple. I am bringing home a rollerbag full of macs, jonagolds, and others tomorrow, to be hoarded and consumed every couple of days....there is no competition out west for the tart yielding of a perfect macintosh. Fujis should be banned. I can't believe I've broken into the stash before I've even boarded the plane, but I'm so happy I did.
Macintosh history
